Monday, October 29, 2012

Pardo Family 2012 -Family Session

"The family is one of nature's masterpieces."
  ~George Santayana

I love this this quote, and I think it truly encompasses the overall feel of this special family session.

Carla and I have been close friends for many years, and have seen each other through many of life's trials and joys.
This past year has brought on many changes for this family, and I really wanted to do something special for them.

When considering where to shoot their yearly 'family' session, I really felt that the 'light' had to be just right. And as all photographers know, there's no better light then in the evening, just before the sun sets...perfect.

No matter where we set up, it felt as though the light followed and lit them up beautifully & combined with their inner light, I felt a sense of peace and reflection through this session...


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Love them, love you, love the shots! Seriously awesome pics V!

  2. Vanessa your work is breathtaking!!!! You are so talented. Send Carla my love and tell her how strong she is!!!

  3. Thanks you guys. I'll let her know Kathy:)

  4. Those are the most amazing pictures!!! Such lovely subjects and amazing photographer. They truly capture the beauty of each.

  5. These are fabulous!! Fabulous photos, and a fantastic family!!! Miss you guys!
